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Commitment to


Last Updated: August 01, 2021.


1. LGPD – General Personal Data Protection Law

The LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law - Law nº 13.709/2018) is an important legislative framework in Brazil, designed to establish principles, rules, form and limits for the processing of personal data, aiming to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and of privacy throughout the national territory.  The provisions of the Law came into force on September 18, 2020.

2. GDPR Compliance

SELETOBANK, complying with the transparency commitment signed with its Customers, Suppliers, Partners and Third Parties, even before the entry into force of the LGPD, declares that it is fully committed to the provisions and requirements of said legislation, as well as ensures that:

(i) all principles set out in the LGPD are observed, namely: good faith, purpose, adequacy, necessity, free access, data quality, transparency, security, prevention, non-discrimination, accountability and accountability.

(ii) adopts the concept of Privacy By Design, that is, the solutions are, from conception, designed with Data Protection as a premise.

(iii) is transparent with regard to the use of data on the platform.

(iv) all processing is legal, fair, transparent and necessary for the specific purpose of providing the services.

(v) the data is kept safe and protected, as well as deleted or anonymized when it is no longer necessary for the provision of the service.

(vi) applies a compliance process with all suppliers, partners or third parties that are part of the flow involving the provision of services, in order to ensure end-to-end security and privacy.

3. Security Infrastructure

SELETOBANK uses the most modern security measures on the market to ensure data integrity and protection. 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology encrypts the data transit through our servers, ensuring that it is not intercepted by third parties.

4. Data Protection Policy

This statement is just one of several SELETOBANK legal documents.  To understand how SELETOBANK treats, shares, protects, stores and eliminates customer and Platform user data, access the privacy policies data privacy, security and data protection, through the Legal Page SELETOBANK:

5. Person in Charge (DPO)

The Person in Charge or Data Protection Officer (DPO) is the person appointed by SELETOBANK, responsible for meeting the demands of the holders of personal data (customers, users, etc.). 

DPO: Joaquim Fantin  Contact:

6. Information and Doubts

For more information or questions about SELETOBANK's commitment to the LGPD or in relation to the Privacy Policy, send an email to .

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